Click Here to View the Presentation that was given by the Advanced Education External Review Team. We received an outstanding evaluation. We will receive the full report in one month along with a decision on District Accreditation Renewal. Everyone who participated...
District Initiatives

#students1stDbnSchs: Following Dad for the Day, City Beautiful Breakfast, High School Visits, Community Dinner, Halloween and the SIP data meetings
My daughter and her friend followed me during the day on Wednesday to find out what is like to serve as a Superintendent. The day started at 7am and ended at 9pm. She was exhausted by the end of the day but it was a great experience. I also really enjoyed the day and...
Community Forums on High School Boundary Line Changes begin this week, Advanced Ed State Conference, and a community Video from Last weekend.
High School Boundary Line Community Forums. These are very important and we encourage community participation. Click Here for a link to the Schedule Click Here for the Press Release. Dearborn School Improvement (SIP) Process is on the Cutting Edge and we are a State...

Updates on District Events. Lots of pictures collected and the Vision is vibrant throughout the school district.
The "Students First" Vision statement which is being added to blogs all over the district, helps to provide enthusiasm for the implementation of our Strategic Plan and the achievement of success for our students. The Korematsu Celebration at Fordson High School on...

School visits and the promotion of the District vision continues. The Vision sign can be found all over our district in 34 buildings.
The Strategic Plan will continue to drive what we do in the school district. As a reminder the plan was created last year with the representation of a variety of stakeholders in the school community (Instructional staff, support staff, parents, PTA, administration,...
Press Release on Board appreciation month and the Real Dearborn March is highlighted by the City of Dearborn.
Click here for a press release on board appreciation month. Real Dearborn March Highlighted by the City of Dearborn.
Superintendent Goals 2016-17 and Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Here is the link to the Strategic Plan that was approved by the Board of Education at the October 10, 2016 meeting. Here is the link to the Superintendent Goals that were...
Superintendent Talk Show Happenings In Dearborn Public Schools. Links to All 8 episodes.
The Superintendent Talk Show Happenings in Dearborn Public Schools has produced 8 different episodes. We produce 2 episodes per month. You can view all of the shows on the District Youtube channel or on my Youtube Channel. You can also subscribe to my channel. Here...
Superintendent Goals for 15-16
Listed below is a link to my goals for the 15-16 school year. The goals are aligned with the District Strategic Plan and my 90 Day Plan. The goals were approved by the Board of Education and discussed at the October 5, 2015 Board of Education Study Session. The...

Superintendent 90 Day Plan
Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent 90 Day Plan By Dr. Glenn Maleyko Introduction: The First 90 Days Disclaimer: This plan is in draft format and will be revised after meetings with the Board of Education on an individual and collective level. The purpose of this...