Dr. Glenn Maleyko

Superintendent News

WJR 760 School Talks Interview

President Kavalhuna and I participated in a WJR interview to promote the outstanding Henry Ford College-Dearborn Public Schools Partnership. Click Here to listen to the interview that aired on Sunday September 29 with the Host Dr. Livernois.

Safety message from Chief Shahin and Dr. Maleyko

Safety message from Chief Shahin and Dr. Maleyko

September 18, 2024 Greetings,  The start of the school year is filled with first time experiences for staff, students, and parents. It is also a time to get back into our regular school routines. An unfortunate routine, that we hope one day will no longer be...

9-11 Remembrance

Greetings,  This week will mark the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on our nation that left approximately 3,000 Americans dead and changed the lives of thousands more. As the years after September 11 fade behind us, we may be forgetting how...

A Successful opening Day and Dealing with the Heat

August 26,  2024 Hello,  Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year! As my team and I traveled the district on our first day, we saw many parents with smiling faces (a few with a tear in their eye), students reconnecting with friends, and teachers settling into...