Dr. Glenn Maleyko

School visits and the promotion of the District vision continues. The Vision sign can be found all over our district in 34 buildings.

The Strategic Plan will continue to drive what we do in the school district. As a reminder the plan was created last year with the representation of a variety of stakeholders in the school community (Instructional staff, support staff, parents, PTA, administration, students, the business community, faith based organizations, other organizations, union officials, College and University Faculty, etc). The Board of Education officially approved the plan in October of 2016. Many of the areas in the plan are things that we are already doing and plan to accelerate or enhance. When I visit schools I see the great things that we are doing together to support our students and our vision.  We also welcome accountability and areas that we want to improve or enhance. Everything is outlined in the Strategic Plan. Here is a link to the Strategic Plan. https://dearbornschools.org/district/strategic-plan

Our Mission

Dearborn Public Schools will provide an exceptional learning environment that empowers every student to succeed in life today and in the future.

Our Vision

Students First – Inspire, Educate, Celebrate


Pictures at DuVall Elementary.

Fordson High School.

Salina Intermediate

Salina Elementary.
 The Transportation Department


Becker Elementary

The operations building and McDonald.McCollough-Unis

Maples Elementary.

Oakman Elementary