Dearborn will continue to operate a warming center and overnight shelter at Stout Middle School until 7AM on 3/13
Communications Staff

Updates on District Events. Lots of pictures collected and the Vision is vibrant throughout the school district.
The "Students First" Vision statement which is being added to blogs all over the district, helps to provide enthusiasm for the implementation of our Strategic Plan and the achievement of success for our students. The Korematsu Celebration at Fordson High School on...

School visits and the promotion of the District vision continues. The Vision sign can be found all over our district in 34 buildings.
The Strategic Plan will continue to drive what we do in the school district. As a reminder the plan was created last year with the representation of a variety of stakeholders in the school community (Instructional staff, support staff, parents, PTA, administration,...
Press Release on Board appreciation month and the Real Dearborn March is highlighted by the City of Dearborn.
Click here for a press release on board appreciation month. Real Dearborn March Highlighted by the City of Dearborn.

Unity event at ASC to support Public Education, promoted by the American Federation of Teachers(AFT), the Dearborn Federation of Teachers(DFT), the Dearborn PTA Council, and Dearborn Public Schools.
Click here for a link to a story in the Dearborn Press and Guide on this Event. We had an outstanding Unity Event on January 19 in Support Of Public Education. This event was promoted by the American Federation of Teachers, the Dearborn Federation of Teachers,...
Superintendent Goals 2016-17 and Strategic Plan 2016-2019
Here is the link to the Strategic Plan that was approved by the Board of Education at the October 10, 2016 meeting. Here is the link to the Superintendent Goals that were...
Superintendent Talk Show Happenings In Dearborn Public Schools. Links to All 8 episodes.
The Superintendent Talk Show Happenings in Dearborn Public Schools has produced 8 different episodes. We produce 2 episodes per month. You can view all of the shows on the District Youtube channel or on my Youtube Channel. You can also subscribe to my channel. Here...

Superintendent Update February 1- 5: SIP Visits and Other Events
1. SIP Visits: The Second Round of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Visits started this week. We are planning to pilot a few unannounced SIP visits this year(likely in 3 schools). For next year we will look to phase in announced and unannounced visits for all schools. We...
Message for Teachers and Faculty: School Blog Committee Minutes and Clarification Regarding the Blog Implementation throughout the district
Here is a link to the Blog Committee minutes that are listed on Mr. Patterson's technology department blog.

Update Since November 3, 2015. Includes: School Visits, The Mayor’s Fundraiser with Mickey Redmond and the City Beautiful Breakfast.
Walk through school visits along with planned School Improvement Plan (SIP)Visits continue as part of my daily and weekly routine. Since the inception of the current SIP process in 2006 I have personally witnessed dramatic improvements in the quality of teaching and...