Dr. Glenn Maleyko

Press Release #22 – Remembrance vigil for Oxford shooting planned for Nov. 30

Press Release #22/Nov. 28, 2022

Dearborn PTA Council is planning a remembrance vigil for those impacted by last year’s shooting at Oxford High School.  The event will be held on Nov. 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the district’s Administrative Service Center, 18700 Audette St.

Nov. 30 is the one-year anniversary of the shooting at Oxford High School.  A student at the school 30 miles north of Detroit opened fire with a handgun that day, killing four students and injuring seven more people, including one teacher.

The anniversary remembrance in Dearborn is being organized by the district’s PTA Council, an umbrella organization representing all the individual Parent Teacher Associations in Dearborn Public Schools.

The public is invited to the vigil.  The district is assisting by providing space and live-streaming the event on its cable channels, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

See the Oxford anniversary vigil flyer