Hi Everyone
I continue to put out one minute message updates regarding the COVID 19 response plan so I recommend that you follow my social media for regular updates. Here is the link to the latest one minute message. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGGnl-qd5dY
Since the Governor just provided her return to school plan last week our Dearborn Reopening Committee with almost 100 participants is using that information to provide guidelines and recommendations. We do not plan to formally publish the report until later this month or by the first week of August at the latest. The committee is working very hard and we are not going to rush the process as we still have time until school starts. We want to make sure that we have a solid plan in place. Thus I am asking everyone to be patient and you will receive the required information at the appropriate time. I am very grateful for the summer break because we plan to use that time to our advantage with the finalization of our plan.
Please be aware that in accordance with the Governor’s order we need to develop multiple plans which means that we will likely not know the specifics regarding which plan will be implemented until we get closer to the end of August. The state is requiring the finalization of the plan by August 17 but we will make it public prior to that time.
Please take note that the Personalized Graduation Ceremonies occur this week at the high schools so that is our focus for the week of July 13. However, the Dearborn Schools Reopening Committee will be meeting during that week. I appreciate all the volunteers who are participating on that committee. Everyone is doing an excellent job on the committee and multiple subcommittees. They are committed to develop a plan that is in the best interest of our students and our community.
I hope that everyone is doing well. Wishing you all the best for safe and healthy days ahead.