Adams family performance at Stout. The students did an awesome job as it was a great performance.
With Dr. Glass and Trustee Hammoud
LAHC dinner with Board Trustees and dignitaries. Thank you to the LAHC for awarding $100,000 in scholarships to students. A night for multiple selfies
Ali Jawad, Chastity Townsend, and Councilwoman Herrick.
With Trustee Thorpe, Trustee Berry, Mr. Hammoud and Mr. Jaber.
With Trustee Nasser, her Husband and Representative Santana.
Some of my former students going back to when I was the principal at Salina who are now doing well as young adults.
With Circuit Court Judge Bazzi.
Commissioner Woronchak and Nasser Beydoun.
My traditional selfie with Rep. Hammoud.
With Attorney General Schuette, Ali Jawad, Judge Turfe and community leaders.
With Joe Bazzi and US department of Justice Agent Downey.
The Images and Perceptions Conference at the Performing Arts Center. The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council participated.
With Isiah. 🙂
Michigan School Business Officials/Metro Bureau Gathering at the Renaissance Center.
Henry Ford.
William Ford