Dr. Glenn Maleyko

Superintendent Update Since March 13

1.March is Reading Month Continues into April. Since I was so busy visiting schools in order to read to students in March and due to the fact that we had the spring break in March, I have continued to schedule reading sessions with students into the Month of April. I have read to students in the following schools since the last update: Salina Intermediate, Oakman, Smith, Snow, DuVall, Henry Ford, and Lowrey. So far I have read at 16 different schools for March( and April) is Reading Month.

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2.DuVall Principal Attee agreed to get wrapped with tinfoil for a March is Reading Month Competition. I read to the entire school in the gymnasium at DuVall to close out the month just before the holiday. Here is a link to the story on the DuVall blog.  https://duvall.dearbornschools.org/2016/03/30/duvall-march-events/ 

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3. In addition, Principal Hassan at Becker took a pie in her face for March is Reading Month. Here is a link to the Becker Blog. https://becker.dearbornschools.org/2016/03/24/end-of-march-is-reading-month-assembly/

4. School Visits Continue. I am now up to 270 school visits for the year. As we move into the final two months of the school year walkthough visits and school improvement visits will continue.

5. There was a great Robotics Presentation at the Board of Education Meeting on March 14 by students from McCollough-Unis.



6. I attended the Good fellows appreciation night at Park Place on March 16 with Trustee McDonald and Petlichkoff. The District and PTA received recognition from the Dearborn Goodfellows.


7. On March 16 State Superintendent Whiston read to Students at Snow Elementary, met with Executive Cabinet members and was a special guest on the Superintendent Talk Show Happenings in Dearborn Public Schools. Listed below are pictures that include the Dearborn High Student Audio Video Crew.

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8 . I made a visit to Game Night at Becker, followed by Family Night at McCollough-Unis prior to presenting before pre-education students at Henry Ford College on March 17.

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9. The Student Advisory Council to the Superintendent continues to meet and students will be part of the District Strategic Plan. The last meeting was at the Henry Ford Early College and the next meeting will be at Dearborn High.

10. On March 23 I attended the Piston’s Game with staff and students from Becker, Miller, and my family. https://twitter.com/DrMaleyko/status/712798818698403840 

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11. I was up bright early at Mayor O’reilly’s fundraiser (7am)with Tim Wilson speaking about the the Detroit district.  https://twitter.com/DrMaleyko/status/713176398400249856 


12 . I attended a meeting in Lansing on April 1, I serve on the Steering committee for the big initiative top 10 in 10 years. The input and relationships being developed by high level State Officials will be an asset to Dearborn Public Schools. Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/DrMaleyko/status/716333184313647108 

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13. I attended the autism awareness festival at McCollough-Unis with my two children Justin and Ashley. What a great cause.


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14. The Dearborn Public Schools Strategic Plan Committee started on April 5 and April 7.  There is an article in School Life that talks about the process. Thank you to all members on the steering committee who are very dedicated to the process.

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15. Trustee Petlichkoff and I participate on the Mayor’s Task Force. We meet weekly for the month of April and possibly into May.


16. Hype Athletics Recognized the Dearborn Education Foundation by presenting them with an award on April 8. I attended with Foundation members that included Trustee McDonald, Chris Sipperley, and Eddie Fakhoury.

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17. It was a cold and snowy day when I helped to start the student portion of the Martian Marathon at Ford Field. There were over 1000 students participating. My son was involved and part of Team DuVall.

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