1. SIP Visits: The Second Round of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Visits started this week. We are planning to pilot a few unannounced SIP visits this year(likely in 3 schools). For next year we will look to phase in announced and unannounced visits for all schools. We are very excited about the visits that are taking place this year and the high quality of instruction in the classrooms. We will continue to provide feedback in a collaborative manner with an objective to improve the quality of the SIP implementation and the quality of instruction in the classroom. It is great to see parents, administrators and teachers involved in the SIP visits. SIP visits this week included Oakman(Trustee Petlichkoff attended this visit), Howard, Miller, and Snow. In addition my school visits continued which included Dearborn High (2), Henry Ford, Salina Int, Salina Elementary, Geer Park, Woodworth, William Ford, and River Oaks.
2. DFCU contributes $10,000 to the Dearborn Education Foundation.
3. There was an open house for Parents at River Oaks as we discussed potential boundary line changes for that school and expanding enrollment. It was great to see that the entire River Oaks Staff attended this meeting. Way to Go Team.
4. I attended the Salina vs. Woodworth Championship Basketball Game at Dearborn High. Congratulations to both teams on a job well Done. It was a great game.
5. Attendance at the HFC Women’s recognition Luncheon on February 5 with Rep Dingell, Trustee Hammoud, Trustee Petlichkoff, Trustee McDonald, Dawn Mital and others.
6. Some of my school visits involved interviews with Administrative Intern Candidates. Classroom Walkthroughs are part of the final interview process.
7. Some of those walkthroughs involved a visit to the new addition at Woodworth with the current and past Principal Sarah Dirkse and Maysam Alie-Bazzi.
8. We had several students from our high school attend the Dearborn Rotary meeting to participate in Youth Month. They will attend all Rotary meetings for the month of February.
9. February 6 Community Meeting: I was recognized by many Dearborn Community Leaders at Ameer Restaurant on Saturday February 6. It was quite an honor. Trustee Hammoud, Trustee Bazzi, Dr. Mosallam, Mr. Jaafar, and Ms. Alie-Bazzi also attended this event. I was invited by Dr. Mustapha. Photos and video of my speech are available on my facebook site.
10. The Big Read Event at The Dearborn Library on February 6: Dearborn High Students participated in this event and there were many students and parents in attendance.