Dr. Glenn Maleyko

A Holiday Message on Youtube. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Here is a link to a holiday message on You tube.  by Glenn Maleyko- click on the link for video 


I’m sure all of you have a memory or story from this time of year that has a special meaning for you. I know I have many. It’s important we take this time away from our work to make those memories, to share our stories, and create those special times that we, or perhaps our kids, will remember for years to come. I look forward to spending time with my family during the break and I hope you will be able to spend time with your family, reconnect with friends, read that favorite book, watch a favorite movie, or enjoy a trip to a warm destination. (Of course with the weather we have been having you may not need to travel too far!) As I travel around the district, I’m impressed by the accomplishments of our staff and the academic achievement of our students. However, I’m truly moved and humbled by all the other activities and work taking place in our buildings. It seems that everywhere you go you can find students collecting food for a homeless shelter, staff pitching in to help a family in need, and of course our parents giving of themselves in time and money to support our schools. These acts of kindness are at the core of what makes our District a great place. Thank you for all you do throughout the entire year to make our district a success, our classrooms places of learning, and our schools a cornerstone of this community. Your efforts are appreciated. On behalf of the Board of Education, and all administrators, I wish you and your family, a very Merry Christmas, a joyous and prosperous New Year, and a safe and restful holiday season. I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on January 4 and I’m anxious to make 2016 a fantastic year for all!