Press Release #12 / Nov. 13, 2024
Students and families from across Dearborn Public Schools are again stepping up to Battle Against Hunger this November. The annual Battle Against Hunger food collection drive will run from Nov. 18 to 22 at several schools in the district. Last year the school community donated more than 6 tons of food.
This year’s Battle Against Hunger kicks off with a community wide dine-to-donate event called Eat Around Dearborn. Over the weekend of Friday, Nov. 15 through Sunday, Nov. 17, several eateries around the city will donate a portion of the proceeds back if a customer notes they are there for the Battle Against Hunger. Participating businesses include IceBurg, Dearborn Nutrition, Brome, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Great Commoner.
Food donations gathered at the schools through Battle Against Hunger are given to Zaman International to distribute to the community. Monetary donations will go to the Amity Foundation.
Battle Against Hunger started in 2015 as a friendly off-field competition between rivals Dearborn and Fordson high schools. Edsel Ford High School joined the food drive later, and then it was opened for all the district’s other schools that were interested in participating. Now the event is a cooperative effort to help families in need.
Food donations will be collected at Becker Elementary, Bryant Middle, Dearborn High, DuVall Elementary, Edsel Ford High, Fordson High, Haigh Elementary, Henry Ford Early College, Henry Ford Elementary, Howard Elementary, Lindbergh Elementary, Lowrey School, Maples Elementary, McCollough-Unis, McDonald Elementary, Nowlin Elementary, Oakman Elementary, Salina Elementary, Salina Intermediate, and William Ford Elementary.
Battle Against Hunger 2024 flier