Dr. Glenn Maleyko

9-11 Message


On Sunday, Americans across the nation, the state, and right here in Dearborn will gather to commemorate the heroes of September 11th and honor those who lost their lives on that tragic day. All of us in the Dearborn Public Schools join in paying tribute to the brave first responders and citizens who stepped up and took action to aid their fellow Americans on September 11, 2001. We also remember and offer our most sincere condolences to the families of those who lost loved ones on that sad and dark day.   

In the days that followed September 11 our country was united and came together to help those who lost loved ones. Elected officials from both parties stood together on the steps of  the U.S.  Capitol, united in spirit. Thousands of people poured into New York City to help in the recovery effort at the site of the World Trade Center. Just as important as remembering the events of September 11, we must also never forget the incredible resilience and spirit of the American people in the days that followed.  

If ever there was a time when we needed to come together as Americans it is now. Over the course of the last several years we have forgotten how to disagree without dividing, share a difference of opinion without stereotyping, and unfortunately, engage in hurtful dialogue without considering the greater impact of our words.  

As the years after September 11 fade behind us, we may be forgetting how strong this nation was in those days after the tragedy and how strong this nation can be and is.  The history of this great nation has shown the world how we, as Americans, can overcome adversity and stand united in the common goal of democracy and freedom for all. 

This weekend I ask everyone to remember our fallen heroes, the strength of our nation in the days after the tragic events of 9-11,  and call upon that unique American spirit to see the good in each other, the commonality we all share, and come together to bring about the better days we know lie ahead.  


Glenn Maleyko


Dearborn Public Schools