Dr. Glenn Maleyko

Randi Weingarten Speech, The Phenomenal Dearborn Summer program and full in person instruction 5 days a week projected for the 21-22 school year.

Greetings Parents, Students and Community Members,

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Weingarten mentions the Dearborn summer program at about the 21 minute mark of this speech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxHkDQ-FAhE She has visited Dearborn in the past and I had positive interactions with her during those visits. She delivers a great speech and as an educational professional, I agree with the important points that she emphasizes which includes(but is not limited to) advocating for vaccines for staff & students along with full in person instruction 5 days a week in a safe manner. This is what we are planning for when we return in August for the 2021-22 school year. 

Thank you to DFT president Jane Mazza for pointing out this national speech. I truly appreciate the great partnership that we have between labor and management in the best interest of the students that we serve.  

Thank you to Maysam Alie-Bazzi and the Executive Cabinet/Cabinet for taking the lead on creating and planning for the implementation of this groundbreaking summer program to support our students. Thank you to our administrative team at the building level for their commitment to our students in the summer program. Of course thank you to our outstanding teachers and non-instructional staff who will be working in the schools to support our students this summer. I also want to thank the Dearborn Board of Education for providing leadership and supporting this important initiative. Our students will benefit from the summer program and this is greatly needed given the pandemic. 

I hope that you enjoy the wonderful weather that is projected for this weekend. 

Take care,