Dr. Glenn Maleyko

#Students1stDbnSchs We are monitoring weather conditions. Please check out this blog site for information on school closures.

Hello Everyone,

My team and I will be monitoring weather conditions. We are well aware of the forecast. However, forecasts are not always accurate. We thought that we would be in school on Wednesday and we predicted that we may have to close on Thursday based on the weather forecast last week. However, the actual conditions reversed that order as we closed on Wednesday and were in school on Thursday.

We will follow our normal protocol in the best interest of the 21,000 students, almost 2800 employees and tens of thousands of community members that a school closure may impact. We do our best to monitor conditions throughout the city but it would not be possible to evaluate every road or side street in Dearborn which is why parents always have the right to make a decision in the best interest or their children and families.  Please check out this webpage for important information on potential school closures which includes dealing with cold temperatures. Stay warm and safe everyone. Click Here to view the site.